A 5 month weekly 1:1 and community program 


This is THE room to:
✨ Start putting in the reps to build thought leadership

✨ Build a consistent and prolific body of work that lets you become known for your unique thought leadership, your story, and how amazing you are at what you do 

✨ And ultimately set yourself up for making your 1-3 year dreams a reality








The next cohort of the Thought Leader Club will start in July 2024.

You can enroll now for us to get started on your bonus 1:1 coaching calls and create amazingness before we officially kick off in July!

Book a discovery call


"I am amazed at how far I’ve come with the business in a little less than one year. I think if you asked Betty 1-year ago how far she thinks she would have come with the coaching business, she would not have guessed this. Results can happen at any time, even when life stuff is happening"

Your thought leadership and body of work are what differentiates you from everyone else doing the exact same thing as you

And the thing is: You already know that you’re meant to be known for something

- both online and offline, in order to make a name for yourself, confidently speak on topics that matter to you, and attract clients and opportunities from all over the world.

Right now, you’re craving to show up bigger and bolder

When you look ahead at the next 1-3 years, you know there’s a “Next Level” version of you that wants to be SEEN AND RECOGNIZED 

There is a version of you that is cooly confident, creative, and playful AF, speaks articulately with conviction, and is damn good at what you do

  • People are captivated by your story
  • They love being in your audience and hearing your perspectives and ideas
  • And they know that you’re THE person they NEED to work with, right now

✨ This version of you isn’t obsessed with your likes and engagement

✨ This version of you shows up consistently and creates immense interest in your work 

✨ This version of you doesn’t GAF about what your ex from college or the people you used to compare yourself to think

✨ This version of you is sparkling from the inside out 


At the same time:

You know you’re good at what you do… But you often struggle to believe it yourself 

You’re successful on paper… But constantly feel like something is still missing 

You see people online doing what it is you want to do, so you intellectually know it’s possible… But these 1-3 year dreams still feel out of reach 

✨ Maybe you’re also going through some life transitions, and now you’re craving for self-discovery and purpose 

✨ Maybe you also feel like the people around you don’t get it, and now you’re looking for a community that challenges, supports, and inspires you

✨ Maybe you secretly know you’re meant for something bigger, and now you’re ready to figure out exactly what that is

In order to do that, you know you’re going to need to start:

Building the belief that your 1-3 year dreams ARE possible

Developing the identity of someone who makes those dreams happen

Taking aligned action to build thought leadership and create a body of work that will set yourself up for success

The Thought Leader Club 1:1 + community program is meant to help you with exactly that!


Maybe your 1-3 year dreams are…

✨ Attract really cool speaking opportunities 
✨ Set yourself up for a successful book launch
✨ Sign best-fit clients for your coaching program or services 
✨ Grow an award-winning podcast 
✨ Facilitate workshops for organizations you care about  
✨ Climb the corporate ladder 

Or something else! 

Whatever it is YOU want to build, the Thought Leader Club will equip you with the skillsets and mindsets to set yourself up for your 1-3 year dreams 

Maybe your 1-3 year dreams are…

✨ Attract really cool speaking opportunities 

✨ Set yourself up for a successful book launch

✨ Sign best-fit clients for your coaching program or services 

✨ Grow an award-winning podcast 

✨ Facilitate workshops for organizations you care about
✨ Climb the corporate ladder 

Or something else! 

  • Are committed to moving fast and taking quick action towards their 1-3 year dreams 

  • Are done second-guessing and flip-flopping around their goals 

  • Have this deep, inner knowing that they’re meant for something more 

  • Are ready to say yes to their own thought leadership journey 

This is for those who…

Start putting in the reps to build thought leadership

Build a consistent and prolific body of work that lets you become known for your unique thought leadership, your story, and how amazing you are at what you do 

And ultimately set yourself up for making your 1-3 year dreams a reality

NOW is the time to:


✨ Thought leadership is what makes the difference between someone sitting quietly in your audience for months or even years, versus them feeling compelled to reach out RIGHT NOW and let you know how much your work has impacted them 

✨ Thought leadership is what sharply differentiates you from the sea of entrepreneurs who are offering the same services as you, where people remember you as someone thoughtful, genuine, and brilliant at your craft 

✨ Thought leadership is precisely how you’re going to sparkle and shine brightly on the internet so you stay top of mind for your audience, without having to conform to what you *think* you’re supposed to look or sound like in order to create opportunities 

And when you’re able to build a body of work that captures the essence of your unique thought leadership…

In the Thought Leader Club, you will learn how to become a thought leader both internally and externally


Inside the Thought Leader Club, you will have a specific set of tools and frameworks as well as both 1:1 and group coaching, structure, and accountability to make this happen

✨ You will get crystal clear on what your unique thought leadership is 

This isn’t about identifying your general content pillars. Instead, we’re going to go DEEP into the way you think and translate that into pieces of content and marketing that position you the go-to resource for your clients and community at large  

✨ You will create a week-by-week and month-by-month strategy for you to build a body of work that… 

1) Captures the depth of your thought leadership

2) Sharply communicates exactly why someone should work with you, right now, and 

3) And is the fullest, most genuine expression of your personality and energy 

✨ You will know how to leverage your body of work as a tool that builds deep connection with your best-fit clients and community

… Which in turn lets your people see your sincerity in wanting to help them get what they want as well as your commitment to the work you do

✨ You will learn to manage your mind and energy and commit so you truly step into the identity of a thought leader. 

Show up both online and offline as your Next Level self who radiates in any room they’re, the version of you who is calm and cool and whose perspectives make people think 

✨ You will be able to work on your thought leader career and goals in just 0-2 hours a day

You’ll become highly skilled and efficient when it comes to building your body of work so that you can ultimately make time for the other parts of your life that matter

The next cohort of the Thought Leader Club will start in July 2024.

You can enroll now for us to get started on your bonus 1:1 coaching calls and create amazingness before we officially kick off in July!

Book a discovery call

Here’s what our 4 months together will look like: 

16x 1:1 coaching calls

Whether it’s mindset or strategy, you’ll get coaching on where you feel stuck and know exactly what to do moving forward  

16x group discussion calls

Every week, we will exchange ideas and have a critical dialogue on a relevant topic. These calls will help you THINK about your body of work and thought leadership from multiple angles and elevate the overall depth and caliber of your work

4x Integration weeks 

This is a very fast paced program. To help with implementation, we will weave in four integration weeks for you to zone in on taking action

A portal of video trainings and worksheets

Deep dive into a portal of resources that will equip you with everything you need to know to become known for your thought leadership and build a body of work that paves the way for your 1-3 year dreams 

A community of awesome thought leaders and entrepreneurs

Whether it’s sharing a win or coming for support after a rough day, this is the space for you to ground back to your “baseline”, support one another, and move forward together through all the ups and downs of building a thought leader career

Ongoing feedback and reviews of your work

Get direct and personalized coaching and feedback on your content and marketing and also learn to view your work from another angle to really master your skills

The next cohort of the Thought Leader Club will start in July 2024.

You can enroll now for us to get started on your bonus 1:1 coaching calls and create amazingness before we officially kick off in July!

Book a discovery call

You can enroll now to 

1. Get early access to the private portal and 

2. Have a monthly bonus 1:1 coaching call for each month you enroll before July 2024 so we can start working on your 1-3 year plan, start building your body of work, etc even before we officially kick off in July)


Our client’s transformations go much deeper than what you might see online:


Creating a body of work is a lifelong SKILL that I believe all of us should have. It lets you create more options while being able to do work that you're truly proud of and excited by. It’s not just a “cute little side hustle” - This matters. 


Whether it's incorporating a daily practice of self-coaching or learning to be more attuned to your energy, you’ll learn how to manage your capacity so you can ultimately make time for the other parts of your life that matter to you.


There's no shortage of entrepreneurs, content creators, or thought leaders in your niche. But by the end of our coaching, you'll fully recognize and appreciate the value and impact of your work (and show up like the badass you know you are) 


"It may be unconventional, but I sought out business coaching with a priority to learn how to be a relaxed and joyful entrepreneur. That’s how I want to make money. I’m not here to be stressed out and hustling and grinding. I’m here to make an intentional and profitable impact while living my dream life"

To all the hard-working high achievers reading this right now… 

I know that for years, you’ve dreamt of being recognized for the good work that you do. But you don’t want to do this in a “traditional” way. Nope.

Instead, you want to build something from the ground up, something that you can proudly call your own

But you’ve put that dream on the back burner as life and career pressures started piling up. Sounds familiar? 

Well, I know this because I WAS you.

Hi! I'm Cheryl Lau

I’ve quit two prestigious career paths (law school and PhD/academia) to pave my own entrepreneurial career. I literally went from being the Asian parent’s dream child to their biggest disappointment. 

But since starting my business and brand in 2019 and consistently building my body of work + thought leadership, I’ve created a business & career that not only makes me proud… But it also makes my parents proud 

In just a few years, I’ve also been featured on the TODAY Online, spoken on the CNA 938 radio, and have held workshops for the University of Toronto - Victoria College, the Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Center, and the Asian Wander Women. 

My podcast, The Side Hustle Club (Now known as The Thought Leader Club), was the recipient of the 2023 Golden Crane Award (from the Asian American Podcasters Association)


And I’m ready to help you do the same. 

All of this was only possible because I’m now known for my unique thought leadership, I’ve built a body of work that compels best-fit clients to work with me, and I’ve ultimately built a business & career that I’m so, so proud of 


I’ve worked with clients from all over the world, including:

Hong Kong, United States, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, India, Thailand, Indonesia, the Netherlands, the UK, and also digital nomads who are traveling the world. 

They come from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds

  • Life or career transitions
  • Moving to a new home 
  • Moving to a new country 
  • Health conditions 
  • Parenthood (this includes humans and animals)
  • Planning a wedding 
  • Social life 
  • Balancing a 9-5 with their thought leader career goals 

Honestly, I have no other way to say it: The peeps inside The Thought Leader Club are really damn awesome 

They are authors, speakers, PhDs, entrepreneurs, freelancers, coaches, corporate professionals, podcasters, aspiring thought leaders… And that’s only the surface  

The common underlying thread among our clients is that they’re highly multifaceted, care deeply about many things, and often have lots to juggle at once:

  • Navigating mental health struggles 
  • Writing a book
  • Volunteering 
  • Working on their physical health 
  • Taking lots of naps 
  • Traveling the world 
  • Doing home renovations 
  • Doing a whole ass PhD
  • And so much more 

After supporting entrepreneurs from all around the world to become known for their unique thought leadership and build a body of work that attracts clients, speaking opportunities, and become a recognized name in their field…

I am confident that The Thought Leader Club is where you want to be in 2024 :)

The next cohort of the Thought Leader Club will start in July 2024.

You can enroll now for us to get started on your bonus 1:1 coaching calls and create amazingness before we officially kick off in July!

Book a discovery call


"Cheryl pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best way possible. She pushed me to go after my dreams and start my YouTube channel. Not because it was on her agenda, but because it was one of my dreams since the beginning"

I need to be upfront on who is likely NOT a good fit for The Thought Leader Club:

One more thing...

  • You truly don’t enjoy creating content (short form or long form). It feels like a chore and something you wish you can simply outsource

  • You believe that having certain credentials, years of experience, publications, etc is a prerequisite to thought leadership; Having traditional forms of recognition is a must for you before you’d like to move forward with building a body of work

  • You are feeling a sense of urgency to make money in your business ASAP. This is a top priority for you, right now

  • You’re looking for a program that teaches processes, strategies, or frameworks that gear you towards a 6 figure+ business, or a program that’s very focused on scaling your business 

  • You honestly think it’s cringe to “share your story”. You’d much rather have a very polished, put-together, or aspirational brand (because doing so is genuinely on-brand for you) than one that’s relatable

If you resonate with any of the above, it’s possible that The Thought Leader Club may not be the best-fit program for you. 

Your next step is to book a discovery call to chat about you joining us inside the Thought Leader Club

But for everyone else, if you’re now thinking: “Okay, based on who it’s NOT for… I think this is actually THE place for me to be in for 2024…”

Here’s what you can expect from our discovery call:

I’ll be mainly asking questions to get a better understanding of what’s going on with you, where your head is at, what you’re looking for in our coaching together, etc

Of course, we will also have a conversation about 1) What are your dreams in the next 1-3 years, 2) The coaching, skills, and actions you need to make these dreams happen, and 3) How working together will support and guide you with all the above

getting to know you

After I have a good understanding of where you’re at, I’ll also share where I see are the three biggest gaps OR the three areas where coaching will be the most beneficial for you.

These will be the areas that I’d like to work with you on as a coach 👀

three biggest gaps

Lastly, if I determine that we would be a good fit, then I’ll go into more detail about The Thought Leader Club program itself ✨✨✨

Overall, it will be a casual conversation :)

if we're a good fit


"Cheryl’s strategies and theories are super simple and frankly underrated! They’re actually really impactful and align with my own values - which I really love!"



When are the coaching calls?

1:1 coaching calls: We will find a time that works best for your schedule 

Group discussion calls: After enrolment closes, we will set a time that works best for the group as a whole. If needed, we may host more than one group call to meet everyone’s availability.  



Module 1: Your Unique Thought Leadership

1.1 Becoming Known for Something → Make a decision on what matters to you and what YOU want to become known for, without the infiltration of surrounding voices, boxes, or norms 

1.2 Defining “Value” → Learn to define value in your own body of work, and create a system to measure this so you can evaluate the effectiveness of your content

1.3 The Depth & Caliber of Your Content → Learn to define depth and caliber in your own body of work, and create a system to measure this so you can evaluate the effectiveness of your content 

1.4 Shaping Your Voice → Develop an acute understanding of what YOUR voice is, and start to build the muscle of identifying when you’re speaking from someone else’s voice

Module 2: Making a Plan

2.1 Your 3-Year Vision → Get clear on what your long term and short term goals are so we can ensure that every step you take is in line with that vision 

2.2 Your Quarterly Goals → Create a doable and manageable quarterly plan (as well as indicators to measure your progress) that’s in line with your 3 year vision

2.3 Increasing Your Capacity to Create Long-Form Content Consistently → Overtime, learn to increase your speed at getting into creative flow, generating ideas, and organizing information 

2.4 Doing What You Said You’d Do → You already know the plan of action… What are the blocks coming up? 

Module 3: Creating Clients, Community, & Opportunities

3.1 Talking About Your Work → Build your confidence and conviction in speaking about your offer and inviting best-fit people to work with you 

3.2 Amplifying Your Content → Learn to repurpose your short form content into long form content, and vice versa (long form to short form), so that every piece of content is working together to help you become known for something 

3.3 Being Invited to Speak → Strategically craft an ever-growing body of work that positions you to be invited to speak (both online and offline)

3.4 Building Genuine Relationships & Community → Learn to curate an audience that not only enjoys consuming your content and hearing your perspectives, but also shares the same values as you and with each other

Module 4: Your Thought Leader Identity 

4.1 F*ck All the Boxes (Don’t Lose Your Voice) → Learn to unwind and unbind from what you think you *should* be doing in your business and brand, and redefine what thought leadership and success in your life and business is

4.2 Your Thought Leader Mindset → How are you incorporating mindset practices into your daily and weekly life so you can quickly shift back to “baseline”, tap into creativity, etc?

4.3 Your Thought Leader Lifestyle → How are you incorporating lifestyle habits and routines to take care of your energy as a thought leader?

4.4 Your Thought Leader Self-Concept → Who are you now and who are you becoming? Most importantly: Do you like who you are and who you’re becoming?


"Cheryl provided so much understanding and support for me. She helped me recognize my true purpose for my business and figure out how to run my business MY way. I am confident that I can always create additional income for myself, whether through web design, or whatever idea I have next."

To wrap up, here’s a scenario I invite you to consider: 

Constantly worrying about whether or not you’re even qualified to build thought leadership, or whether your 1-3 year dreams are even possible for someone like you… And compound the results of not taking any action whatsoever 

Two options: 

Start to consistently build a strong body of work, becoming known for your story and opinions, communicating your ideas in a structured yet compelling way, and continuing to hone your craft and skillsets… And compounding the effect of THAT

Which option will you choose? 
I’ll let you decide.

Book a discovery call

Sounds good?
Awesome. Let’s get to work.


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